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Choosing the right Database

Keystone supports Postgres, MySQL and SQLite database providers. This guide highlights the differences between these providers to help you choose the right one for your project.

Note: SQLite is not recommended in production except for scenarios like the Embedded Keystone example

Case Sensitivity

By default, Postgres is case sensitive, while MySQL is not case sensitive, and SQLite is not case sensitive for contains, startsWith and endsWith. This means when filtering and sorting the results will differ depending on the database type and collation used. When using StringFilter in a GraphQL query the mode defaults to case sensitive for the database. You can make a query case insensitive in Postgres by using mode: insensitive.

See the Case Sensitivity Prisma Docs for more information.

Note: mode: insensitive is not supported in MySQL or SQLite

Default Types

Prisma has different default types for each database used, for example, the Keystone text field type uses the Prisma type of String, for Postgres, Prisma uses the text column type, and for MySQL, it uses the varchar(191) column type. For more details on the field type differences see Primsa Schema Reference.

The Keystone text field supports the db.nativeType option, allowing you to override this - Fields API. Over time this option will be added to other field types.

Auto Increment Integer Fields

When using an Integer field with the defaultValue: { kind: 'autoincrement' } MySQL also requires this field to be indexed using the isIndexed: true or isIndexed: 'unique'.

Supported Database Versions

For supported database provider versions for Postgres and MySQL see Prisma Supported Databases