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GraphQL Query Filters

We recently improved this API so it’s easier to program and reason about. If you were using it prior to August 17th 2021, read this guide for info on how to upgrade.

Each field type provides its own set of filters which can be used with queries. This page lists all the filters available for each field type. For more details on how to use filters in queries please consult to the GraphQL Queries - Filters guide.

Scalar types


Filter nameTypeDescription
notBooleanNullableFilterDoes not match the inner filter


Filter nameTypeDescription
ltIntLess than
lteIntLess than or equal
gtIntGreater than
gteIntGreater than or equal
in[Int!]Is in the array
notIn[Int!]Is not in the array
notIntNullableFilterDoes not match the inner filter


Filter nameTypeDescription
ltBigIntLess than
lteBigIntLess than or equal
gtBigIntGreater than
gteBigIntGreater than or equal
in[BigInt!]Is in the array
notIn[BigInt!]Is not in the array
notBigIntNullableFilterDoes not match the inner filter


The json field type does not support filters.


Filter nameTypeDescription
ltFloatLess than
lteFloatLess than or equal
gtFloatGreater than
gteFloatGreater than or equal
in[Float!]Is in the array
notIn[Float!]Is not in the array
notFloatNullableFilterDoes not match the inner filter


Filter nameTypeDescription
isSetBooleanA value is set


  • If the type is string(the default), the same filters as text will be available.
  • If the type is integer, the same filters as integer will be available.
  • If the type is enum, the following filters will be available: | Filter name | Type | Description | | --------------- | ---------- | ------------------- | | equals | ListKeyFieldKeyType | Equals | | in | [ListKeyFieldKeyType!] | Is in the array | | notIn | [ListKeyFieldKeyType!] | Is not in the array | | not | ListKeyFieldKeyTypeNullableFilter | Does not match the inner filter |


Filter nameTypeDescriptionNotes
ltStringLess than
lteStringLess than or equal
gtStringGreater than
gteStringGreater than or equal
startsWithStringStarts with[1]
endsWithStringEnds with[1]
in[String!]Is in the array
notIn[String!]Is not in the array
modeQueryMode (default or insensitive)Whether the filters should be case insensitive or not[2]
notNestedStringNullableFilterDoes not match the inner filter


  • [1] Will follow the setting of the mode on postgresql and will be case insensitive but only for ASCII characters on sqlite
  • [2] postgresql only


Filter nameTypeDescription
ltStringLess than
lteStringLess than or equal
gtStringGreater than
gteStringGreater than or equal
in[String!]Is in the array
notIn[String!]Is not in the array
notDateTimeNullableFilterDoes not match the inner filter

Relationship type


many: true

Filter nameTypeDescription
everyFooWhereInputAll related items match the nested filter
someFooWhereInputSome related items match the nested filter
noneFooWhereInputNo related items match the nested filter

many: false

Filter nameTypeDescription
fooFooWhereInputMatches the nested filter

Virtual type


The virtual field type does not support filters.

File types


The file field type does not support filters.


The image field type does not support filters.